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Meet The UKMadCats – Pepe And B.B

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Jack relaxing

Pepe is 6 years old. He met me at the vets as a little kitten with his siblings. I was allowed 10 minutes in a room with the litter to pick a new house mate. Within seconds Pepe had drank the vets drink and then wriggles up his jacket that was on the desk and popped his head out of the sleeve. The others sat there in a huddle. Pepe was definitely the cheeky kitten we were looking for to fit in to the house! As he grew he became a bit of a bully to the other cats. He is starting to be nicer to the others, but still swipes an unexpected paw as they pass from time to time!



B.B has just turned 4. He is an outside cat and spends the majority of his time in the orchard behind our house. He comes home to sleep and eat, so here he is in is favourite place! You may wonder about his name, the night he came we were listening to music and mainly played blues music. As we mainly listened to one of our favourite artists, B.B. King, that is how he got his name! He is a very cuddly cat when he wants, but, of course, only on his terms! Although he is the youngest cat in our household, he is most certainly the Boss Cat! Pepe, and Ozzy used to wait for B.B to eat first, pick the best bed, have treats first etc. He shoots out an angry paw if you upset him

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One thought on “Meet The UKMadCats – Pepe And B.B

  • tina lindsedy hoffman

    how sweet i had a cat and it mad me sad because it looked a lot like BB thank you for sharing


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