Meet The UKMadCats – Jack, Ozzy And Tigger
Jack – June 2000 – October 2008

We got Jack from a local rescue shelter in September 2000. He was 3 months old. He was the original Madcat that inspired me to create our original website and MadCat diaries that were all about Jack and his daily antics. He loved playing fetch, and when fed up he would eat the wool ball to end the game!!! He loved playing under our rugs throughout the house and he made us laugh daily. Unfortunately he contracted FIV at around 18 months old, and his life changed. He wasn no longer allowed outside, so he did not infect other cats in the area. He was often ill with small ailments fro having a weakened immune system. He lost his fight to FIV in October 2008. He is still greatly missed.
Ozzy – 2007 – 14th September 2018

Ozzy the oldest of the 4, but that does not mean that he’s the boss! He loves sleeping, sunbathing and eating! He arrived at our house as a kitten that had been left in a box in a local park. A neighbour picked him up and brought him to our house, and that is where he stayed. He is a big cat, but he’s a scaredy cat and will jump at his own shadow. He likes a quiet
Tigger – 2007 – 2017

Tigger was 10 years old and had a very adventurous life! I first met Gary (as he was known then) when I went to my vet for something. On the counter was a tiny kitten with very runny eyes and a loud sneeze. He had been left outside the vets one night in winter with a bad case of cat ‘flu. He was treated in the vets for 6 months before they looked for a home for him. After much persuasion from myself and the vet nurses my husband allowed him to come home with us, and then we were a 2 cat household! He was the size of a
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