Safe And Toxic Plants For Cats
Some plants that we have in our homes and gardens are perfectly safe for our furry friends to nibble on, however, some are toxic and should be avoided in cat owning homes. Below is a list of both safe and toxic plants for your information.
Safe Plants |
Toxic Plants |
Achillea | Aloe Vera |
African Violet | Amaryllis |
Alyssum | Apple (seeds) |
Aster | Apple Leaf Croton |
Basil | Apricot (pit) |
Bean Sprouts | Asparagus Fern |
Begonia | Autumn Crocus |
Buddleia | Azalea |
Calendula | Baby’s Breath |
Catmint | Bird of Paradise |
Catnip | Branching Ivy |
Celosia | Buckeye |
Cleome | Buddhist Pine |
Chamomile | Caladium |
Chervil | Calla Lily |
Chives | Castor Bean |
Columbine | Ceriman |
Coneflower | Charming Dieffenbachia |
Coriander | Cherry (seeds and wilting leaves) |
Cosmos | Chinese Evergreen |
Cress | Christmas Rose |
Dahlia | Cineraria |
Dianthus | Clematis |
Dill | Cordatum |
Dorotheanthus | Corn Plant |
Forget-me-not | Cornstalk Plant |
Heloptrope | Croton |
Hollyhock | Cuban Laurel |
Hyssop | Cutleaf Philodendron |
Impatients | Cycads |
Japanese Matatabi | Cyclamen |
Lavender | Daffodil |
Lemon Balm | Devil’s Ivy |
Lemon Verbena | Dieffenbachia |
Lettuce | Dracaena Palm |
Lovage | Dragon Tree |
Marum | Dumb Cane |
Miniature Rose | Easter Lily |
Mint | Elaine |
Monarda | Elephant Ears |
Nasturtium | Emerald Feather |
Oats | English Ivy |
Orchic | Eycalyptus |
Oregano | Fiddle-leaf fig |
Pansy | Florida Beauty |
Parsley | Foxglove |
Pea (not sweetpea) | Fruit Salad Plant |
Peppermint | Geranium |
Petunia | German Ivy |
Phlax | Giant Dumb Cane |
Portulaca | Glacier Ivy |
Rose | Gold Dust Dracaena |
Rosemary | Golden Pothos |
Sage | Hahn’s Self-branching ivy |
Scabiosa | Heartland Philodendron |
Shasta Daisy | Hurricane Plant |
Snapdragon | Indian Rubber Plant |
Spearmint | Janet Craig Dracaena |
Spider plant | Japanese Show Lily |
Spinach | Jerusalem Cherry |
Strawflower | Kalanchoe |
Sunflower | Lacy Tree Philodendron |
Tarragon | Lily of the Valley |
Thyme | Madagascar Dragon Tree |
Torenia | Marble Queen |
Verbascum | Marijuana |
Violet | Mexican Breadfruit |
Wheat | Miniature Croton |
Zinnia | Misteletoe |
Morning Glory | |
Mother-in-law’s Tongue | |
Narcissus | |
Needlepoint Ivy | |
Nephthytis | |
Nightshade | |
Oleander | |
Onions | |
Oriental Ivy | |
Peace Lily | |
Peach (wilting leaves and pits) | |
Pencil Cactus | |
Plumosa Fern | |
Poinsettia (low toxicity) | |
Poison Ivy | |
Poison Oak | |
Pothos | |
Precatory Bean | |
Primrose | |
Red Emerald | |
Red Princess | |
Red-margined Dracaena | |
Rhododendron | |
Ribbon Plant | |
Saddle Leaf Philodendron | |
Sago Palm | |
Satin Pothos | |
Schefflera | |
Silver Pothos | |
Spotted Dumb Cane | |
String of Pearls | |
Striped Dracaena | |
Sweetheart Ivy | |
Swiss Cheese Plant | |
Taro Vine | |
Tiger Lily | |
Tomato Plant (green fruit, stem and leaves) | |
Tree Philodendron | |
Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia | |
Weeping Fig | |
Yew |