BehaviourCatsOur Cats

What Your Cats Ear Communications Mean

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Ear Signals

Unlike humans ears play a large part in cats communication.They have between 20 and thirty muscles that controls their movement – they can swivels through 180 degrees and move independently of each other. There are five basic ear signals – relaxed, alert, agitated, defensive, and aggressive.

Happy relaxed cat

The cat will usually sit with its ears facing forward and tilted slightly back, as it listens for interesting sounds. When an interesting sound is detected the ears change into alert mode.

The alert cat

The ears will become more pricked as the muscles in the forehead pull them in. If the ears begin to twitch or swivel, the cat is probably feeling a little anxious or unsure of the noise or situation.

An aggitated cat

If the cat is feling in a state of conflict, frustration or apprehension or apprehension, the cat will often display a nervous twitching of the ears.

A defensive cat

A defensive cat will display its ears fully flattened. This is also a practical defense mechanism so that if the cat gets into a fight its ears won’t be damaged.

An aggressive cat

The ears are rotated but not fully flattened, with backs visible from the front. This is the most dangerous ear signal a cat can transmit.

Quite Mad

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